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Building a dynamic countdown in Power BI with Deneb & Vega

Using the flexibility of Vega events to indicate when a Play Axis will next refresh.

Using luminance in Vega-Lite with Deneb

Using luminance of a colour can be a neat trick to help produce a suitably contrasting colour.

A Study on Hills and Valleys in Power BI with Deneb

These are very useful plots, but they come with some tricky requirements to get the shaded areas exactly right...

Making "The Mundigl Bullets" with Deneb

Reproducing Robert Mundigl's variations on bullet charts using Deneb and Vega-Lite.

Deneb 1.3 Generally Available

Deneb 1.3 is now generally available in AppSource. Here's a rundown on what's new, and what's happening next.

"Out of One, Many", or: Making Switchable Charts in Power BI with Deneb

When Personalize Visuals is too personalized: an experiment in switching displayed charts using a dimension attribute.